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Поиск: Сообщения от: MWuser
Раздел: International Forum 17.09.2012, 21:03
Ответов: 10
Просмотров: 101,542
Автор MWuser
It's very hard to find those 12" remixes. A few...

It's very hard to find those 12" remixes. A few weeks ago I spent a whole day trying to find these songs and an instrumental version of "How I Want You". And unfortunately I didn't find them.

Раздел: International Forum 14.09.2012, 22:51
Ответов: 10
Просмотров: 101,542
Автор MWuser
Thanks for the explanation :) Can you tel me...

Thanks for the explanation :) Can you tel me something about 12" remixes of "Let Us Dance..." and "When The Night..."? I found, that there are lot of remixes of these songs (7 or even more). One of...
Раздел: International Forum 14.09.2012, 16:00
Ответов: 10
Просмотров: 101,542
Автор MWuser
Thank You Denis for this track. Indeed it sounds...

Thank You Denis for this track. Indeed it sounds different than original mix. But I think it's very good. Especially the guitar sounds very fresh and interesting. Thanks again. At this moment, I...
Раздел: International Forum 04.09.2012, 18:05
Ответов: 10
Просмотров: 101,542
Автор MWuser
Thank you very much :) I searched many places and...

Thank you very much :) I searched many places and I couldn't find it. Nice to finally have this track. Thanks again :)

Of course, I can share with you the songs I mentioned on the list below. And...
Раздел: International Forum 04.09.2012, 14:57
Ответов: 10
Просмотров: 101,542
Автор MWuser
I can't wait :) Now I remember that I read...

I can't wait :) Now I remember that I read something about this remixes. Yesterday I found a torrent to 7" single with "Dancing In Madness"/"Dancing In Madness (Avec Muthas) but there are no seeds. A...
Раздел: International Forum 03.09.2012, 22:22
Ответов: 10
Просмотров: 101,542
Автор MWuser
Non-album tracks, single B-sides and other rarities

Hi. I thought, that this will be a good place to discuss about all Secret Service songs, which didn't appear on any studio album or compilation. A few months ago I create a complete list of songs...
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